Florida tops list of riskiest financial states for drivers

Author: Mike Walcher
Published: Updated:

FORT MYERS, Fla.- Florida is getting bad marks in a national driving study.

Many drivers are concerned on the roads, about their own safety and about their vehicle. Turns out, we also have good reason to worry about our pocket books.

WalletHub, a group that studies personal finance, ranks Florida as the state where drivers are most likely to run, head-on, into financial woes.

“Being dead last is never a good thing,” said insurance agent Gary Wolfe.

The study looked at auto insurance coverage and crashes across the United States. Florida turned out to be the most risky place, financially, for drivers.

Wolfe says he’s not surprised. He says Florida has low requirements for insurance coverage.

“That’s one of the big issues with the State of Florida, you’re only required to carry bodily injury if you cause an accident and if you are at fault in that accident,” said Wolfe.

Another big problem, approximately 24 percent, about one in four drivers, has no coverage at all.

Adelina Langford says an uninsured driver ran into her new car, a couple of years ago. Langford’s family ended up paying $5,000 in repairs. She had no coverage for uninsured motorists.

“Why should I have to pay for it? It wasn’t my fault!” said Langford. “I’m riding the bus now. Yes, riding the bus. I don’t even mess with cars anymore.”

It all means, Florida driving is more dangerous than most realize.

“I think I’d be a little nervous. Especially at a time like now with so many people on the road,” said WalletHub spokesman Jill Gonzalez.

The best advice?

“You buy the amount of insurance you can afford. You also buy the uninsured coverage, or under-insured motorist coverage,” said Wolfe.

Most states require $25,000 person for bodily injury coverage; Florida only requires $10,000. As of this moment, there are  no plans in the legislature to increase the insurance requirements.

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