Report: Sarasota police beat man who later died

Author: Associated Press
Published: Updated:

SARASOTA, Fla. (AP) – Officials are investigating after a man died two days after being arrested by Sarasota police.

A report says officers arrested John Paul Kaafi during a traffic stop last week for a non-working tag light. Police say Kaafi acted suspiciously, so he was detained for “officer safety.” A report shows Kaafi was also stunned with a Taser three times and beaten with a flashlight.

Police discovered a substance that tested positive for cocaine. Officers also found a designer drug in the vehicle. While taking him to jail, officials say Kaffi escaped by flinging himself out the cruiser window.

The Herald-Tribune ( reports that an officer acknowledged beating Kaafi with his flashlight “to gain control.” None of the force used to gain control of Kaafi during this initial stop was mentioned in the arrest reports.

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