Golden Gate Estates residents put up a fight against proposed charter school

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NAPLES, Fla.- Plans for the new Collier Charter Academy to be built on the corner of 8th Street Northwest and 25th Avenue Northwest aren’t sitting well with Golden Gate Estates residents in that area.

“We would have preferred to have been asked instead of having it railroaded down our throats. It went through the school board pretty quietly,” said Karen

colliercharterschoolGGEResidents near the intersection have made signs saying “we say no!” to show their frustration with the proposed 65,000-square-foot charter school.

“Just doesn’t fit in well, the residents here who have certain expectations for their property rights and their way of life,” said Bob Dorta.

Dorta says he’s not against charter schools, but he’s concerned about the construction and traffic the new school will bring to the area.

“Who’s going to repair 25th when it gets destroyed, well damaged, by the large construction vehicles?,” Dorta said. “Nobody’s looking out for our interests and why not?”

According to Collier Charter Academy’s website, the school is expected to open in August.

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