’60 Minutes’ segment to highlight couple coping with Alzheimer’s Disease


The number of people living with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. is expected to reach record levels in the years ahead.

CBS Chief Correspondent Dr. Jon Lapook will get an unprecedented look at the effects the disease has on patients and caregivers this weekend on “60 Minutes.”

Ten years ago, Lapook began documenting the progression of Alzheimer’s disease in the mind of Carol Daly.

In the early stages, Carol remembered her favorite movie stars fondly.

“In 2008, she knows him and says, ‘He’s so handsome.’ A couple years later, she doesn’t know who Clark Gable is,” Lapook said.

And when asked if she remembered her husband’s name, Carol shook her head no.

Carol’s husband, Mike, is her main caregiver — which can be a challenge at times.

“The caregiver, often, will die before the person who has the disease,” Lapook said.

Lapook encourages people to watch his “60 Minutes” segment this weekend because he believes families need to talk about end-of-life care before it’s too late.

The segment shows a story of a couple that comes to grips with the disease millions of other families will have to talk about in the years to come.

“You see that decline, and it’s just gut-wrenching,” Lapook said.

Lapook hopes the couple’s story will inspire others to be proactive.

Lapook’s stork on Mike and Carol will air on “60 Minutes” this Sunday night at 7 p.m. on WINK-TV.

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