Self-defense alarm can alert others and scare away potential child predators

Reporter: Nicole Gabe Writer: Jack Lowenstein
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News.

In the past two weeks, there have been local reports of strangers trying to lure children walking home from school.

So we looked at a compact, self-defense alarm that can help scare child predators away and save children from potential threats. This key-chain device could alert others to a potentially dangerous situation, and we spoke to parents to see what they think about it.

Michael Wegler said he thinks, given recent incidents where strangers approached children in Collier and Lee counties, anything that draws attention to a potentially dangerous situation would help.

MORE: ‘Stranger danger’ incident in Fort Myers has parents on alert

“Yeah. I would carry one on me,” Wegler said. “It’s something that parents should definitely look into. It’s a modern device for modern times.”

While alerting others about a potentially dangerous situation, the device could also scare away a predator.

But Tami Sherman has concerns, and she doesn’t want her children carrying another accessory.

“Basically, because I don’t think they should have to carry around a key chain to feel safe,” Sherman said. “I would teach them things to feel safe.”

Sherman said she teaches her children other methods to protect themselves.

“You have to teach them self-confidence,” Sherman said. “You have to teach some self-defense. You teach the right things to say to feel safe and without having to carry a key fob around.”

Parents agree, whether it’s a device or a safety drill in school, it’s upsetting these conversation are relevant. And devices similar to the one show in the video range in price from $10 to $40.

MORE: Images of SUV possibly connected to Fort Myers stranger danger incident released

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