Will 5G towers destroy property values or make people sick?

Reporter: Gina Tomlinson Writer: Jackie Winchester
Published: Updated:
Credit: WINK News

5G technology is the wave of the future, but will installing new cell towers destroy property values or make you sick?

That’s the fear of one Naples man, and he has warned Collier County commissioners about it.

With how many of us use our phones for everything nowadays, quick connection speeds are important, but before 5G devices end up on poles, Jim Boatman of Naples wants local leaders to do their research.

5G advertising states the technology will increase download and connection speeds.

“A lot of people who are emailing off their phone a lot, communicating with their clients, business stuff like that, it would definitely help them out,” said Logan Livreri of Naples.

Boatman said those advertised fast speeds are the problem.

“The lobbyists have gotten so far ahead of us with regard of the roll-out of this infrastructure,” he said.

He wants to slow the technology from being installed, at least in Collier County. He went before commissioners Tuesday to express his concerns over 5G’s impact on health and the environment.

“I felt led given the information that I have read, sourced documents that indicate that there’s enough about this 5G situation that we oughta slow down.”

Boatman worries that when devices are installed on utility poles, it will also destroy property values.

“Wavelength, radiation pervasively on our community … is that a good thing or not? I mean, we haven’t even had the ability to debate it,” he said.

The City of Naples was part of a lawsuit challenging state law that got tossed out because state law limits city and county government control of 5G technology.

Commissioners said they’re going to gather research on 5G and review the lawsuit, then they’ll discuss what they can do at their meeting on June 9.

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