Collier County Commissioners looking into complaints about outdoor concerts

Reporter: Rachel Cox-Rosen Writer: Drew Hill
Published: Updated:
sugden park concert

Collier County commissioners say they’ve been receiving complaints about outdoor concerts in the area and are being pushed to crack down on these events.

Leaders in Collier County say they’re aiming to change the approval process. On Tuesday, Commissioners met to talk about the process. Collier County Commissioner Penny Taylor brought forth the idea of limiting certain venues like Paradise Coast Sports Complex or the fairgrounds.

One concert organizer said that doesn’t sit well with him. He wants to work with Commissioners to keep his event where it is.

A few thousand people were on hand to enjoy Elton John and Billy Joel Classics on Saturday night. This was part of the Sugden Park Legends Concert Series held to benefit a Collier-based fallen officers foundation.

Mike Randall is the vice president of the Fallen Officers Foundation. “We wanted to bring legends of music to honor our true legends of first responders law enforcement military and veterans,” said Randall. 

Not everyone was enjoying the nostalgia, though. Arthur Roberson definitely wasn’t since he lives near Sudgen. “At that time of day, I’m usually watching the news, or reading a book or writing a book. So I’m sitting on the couch and then,” said Roberson. “It’s too freaking loud, man.”

Sugden Park is one of the places that was singled out by Commissioner Taylor. “I mean, you know, the concerts in…in Sugden Park. We’re hearing complaints about it,” Taylor said. She believes that any concert idea should be brought directly in front of the commissioners for approval or denial.

“That ensures the public, the voters the taxpayers have an active part in maintaining our quality of life, because that’s what this is about: quality of life, not quality of pocketbook,” Taylor said.

However, not all commissioners agree with Taylor.

“This commissioner has zero problem with these outdoor concerts!” said Rick LoCastro. “I’ll put up with one or two complaints when thousands enjoy these amazing events for worthy causes. I hear more citizens say, ‘Why isn’t there more to do in Collier County?'”

Peter Kingsley-Thomas says that his quality of life is holding up just fine. Although he says, he can hear concerts from Sugden Park at his home. “This is a world for everybody and, you know, people like concerts, they’ve got to have them somewhere and this is a perfect venue, isn’t it?” said Kingsley-Thomas. 

I will fight to make sure these concerts do go on. And we want to keep it at this beautiful park, Sugden Park,” Randall said. 

The Collier County Sheriff’s Office says one made a noise complaint during Saturday night’s event at Sugden Park. And the county’s code enforcement took sound levels during the concert and determined that the levels were acceptable.

Tuesday’s meeting was just a discussion and no decision has been made. Collier County staff will return to Commissioners with some ideas.

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