Friends of late Veronica Shoemaker spruce up her flower shop

Reporter: Andrea Guerrero Writer: Drew Hill
Published: Updated:
flower shop fix

A Fort Myers legend’s flower shop already has a new paint job. Friends of the late Veronica Shoemaker worked hard to fix up the flower shop that her daughter now owns. This flower shop is located just off Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.

Veronica Shoemaker florist has been flourishing since 1975, when Shoemaker herself first opened its doors. Now, her daughter, Mattie Shoemaker Young, is running the business.

“When they first walk in, and they say ‘oh my God, you look just like your mom,'” said Young.

Young worked with her mom for as long as she can remember. And, she was the one who took over when her mom became ill.

“She said ‘I know you got a lot of weight on your shoulders,'” Young said. “I said, ‘mom, don’t worry. Don’t worry about anything. Everything is going to be all right.'”

It has been more than alright. Mattie says she owes the community and those who continue giving back in whatever way they can.

Vic Hein was a friend of Shoemaker. So this week he wanted to give the shop a lovely new free paint job.

“When Mattie called me, I thought this is going to be a good opportunity to pay back to Veronica and help the community,” Hein said.

“I said, ‘what do you mean?’ He said, ‘I’ll do it for nothing.’ I said, ‘what? Why?’ He said, ‘in honor of your mom,'” said Young.

This goes to show that the seeds that Veronica Shoemaker planted are continuing to grow.

Mattie Shoemaker Young told WINK News that the flower shop is painted green because it signifies growth.

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