Rainbows seen across Southwest Florida: How to spot one

Reporter: Lauren Kreidler Writer: Nicholas Karsen
Published: Updated:
Rainbows in Florida
Double rainbow across the sky. Courtesy: Kenneth C., Fort Myers

This week, the mix of showers and partly cloudy skies has led to an abundance of rainbow sightings across Southwest Florida.

If you are in the right place at the right time, you may be lucky enough to point out a gorgeous rainbow.

Our WINK viewers have been sharing their pictures with our Weather Authority team.

The colorful optical illusion forms when the weather conditions are exactly right, and the viewer is in the perfect location. If the sun is out and there is rain in the vicinity, you are already one step closer to seeing a rainbow in Florida!

You are most likely to spot a rainbow within a few hours after the sun rises or a few hours before sunset as the sun must be in the optimal position in the sky to form a rainbow. The sunlight passes through raindrops, refracting the light and revealing a vivid array of colors.

Cloud iridescence over Vanderbilt Beach. Credit: WINK viewer

Standing in the right spot is one of the most important aspects when looking for a rainbow. One’s back must be towards the sun, with the rain in front of the viewer.

Essentially, you have to be “in-between” the sun and the rain for the optical illusion to be seen.

Have any photos of rainbows that you’re willing to share? Submit a WINK News tip here.

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