Sewage overflows due to rain in San Carlos Park

Reporter: Annalise Iraola
Published: Updated:

Things got gross for one neighborhood during the rain. Sewage water spewed onto the street.

Many in San Carlos Park are worried about the water being hazardous for kids.

George Apostolakis, the man we spoke with who lives in this neighborhood, said he tried calling. He spoke with someone but didn’t get any answers, and with this just being the beginning of the rainy season, he was worried this wasn’t the last he’d see of sewage from this manhole.

“By Thursday, when we started getting the next batch of rain, it started bubbling up, and that’s when we started to see basically sewage. It smelled horrible,” Apostolakis said.

Apostolakis lives off Coolidge road. He said this manhole became a problem after the heavy rains this week.

The county said Lee County Utilities might be managing the system remotely to address the issue, but the county has not said whether there is an issue or whether it’s being worked on.

Apostolakis said he’s worried about the environmental impacts and the children that play here in the street.

At the very least, an update would be nice, according to Apostolakis.

“I’d like them to at least either call me or text me or email me and say, ‘Hey, here’s what we did to resolve this. It’s June, so rainy season goes all in November 30,” he said.

The question now is, is there something wrong here, or is it just the reality after several days of heavy rainfall?

We reached out to Lee County, and we’re still waiting to hear back.

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