Locals react to Wade Wilson jury recommendation

Reporter: Haley Zarcone Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

Wade Wilson, the man found guilty of killing two innocent women, has his​ life in the hands of a jury and judge. In less than two hours on Tuesday – the jury came to their decision.

The judge will now determine if Wilson should be put to death or spend the rest of his life behind bars without the chance for parole.

Cape Coral police chief Anthony Sizemore said that while this isn’t a done deal, we’re one step closer.

” A long time coming is my first thought. The first step in this process was the guilty verdict days ago. And then step number two was the sentencing, I had a really good feeling that this was going to be the outcome,” said Chief Sizemore.

Just next door to where one of the victims, Kristine Melton, once lived, neighbors share the same sentiment.

“I would agree. I mean, might as well put him to death before he does it again, either in jail or out of jail,” said Cape Coral resident Matt Ficarra.

It’s been five years since Melton and Diane Ruiz were killed; now, their families are less than a month away from closure.

“I would say that I hope today is the beginning of the peace process for you.” said Sizemore. “It’s very difficult to do that, when all of these things are looming from the raw nature of the crime, to the delays that can be very painful, reliving these incidents at the trial, pins and needles not really knowing, you know, until the verdict is read.”

The process continues on July 23, when the judge decides Wilson’s fate.

It’s important to note that even though the jury recommended death, the judge can decide to sentence Wilson to life in prison.

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