Miracle Moment: Precious bond, moms become surrogates

Reporter: Amanda Hall
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Miracle Moment

It’s time for Miracle Moment.

Gina Strimbu has always loved children and wanted to be a mom.

“I’ve always wanted to be a mom. That’s all I’ve ever wanted. My life has always been surrounding kids, babysitting as a young girl, and then I went to college and babysat my way through college,” she said.

Gina’s love for children led her to become a nurse in the neonatal intensive care unit, where she cared for the most fragile babies, and she learned firsthand the heartache of the NICU moms and dads when she lost her own daughter, Hadley, at birth.

Then, she suffered the same fate again a year later with her son Thomas. She said she was in surgery for a long time.

“I knew when I woke up, and also being a NICU nurse, like I knew I couldn’t, I couldn’t do it again,” Gina said.

That’s when two other moms stepped in, offering the greatest gift to serve as surrogates for Gina and Tucker.

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