Charlotte County couple rescued from rooftop by stranger

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Hurricane Helene battered Charlotte County with heavy rain and wind, and many neighbors watched as water flooded into their homes.

The waters came in so quickly that some neighbors were forced to their rooftops, waiting to be rescued by boat.

That was the case for Beverly and Michael Potts from Punta Gorda. Thankfully, that help arrived in the form of a stranger.

“Just thinking about it. It’s scary. It came so fast and so quick. And if it hadn’t been for my son, I won’t be here right now.” said Beverly Potts.

Even days after Helene, that night plagues the Potts’ minds.

“it couldn’t get out in the neighborhood,” said Michael Potts.

“So we went in the motorhome, and we weren’t in there 10 minutes. And the stairs started flooding,” said Beverly. “My son, Jason, he said, ‘We got to get on the roof,’ and it was just pouring down. And he put me on his shoulder and carried me to the ladder.”

For four hours, the Potts, their son, grandson and two dogs sat on this roof, waiting for a boat to save them.

Then, taken to a gas station – they were saved by a stranger.

“When I first got there, I was holding back tears, actually, because Bev did not have any shoes on,” said Bridget Franklin. “They were obviously soaking wet from the non-stop water that they were having to tread through. And just you could tell in their faces that they were just defeated.”

Franklin saw a post on Thursday night and drove the Potts 40 minutes away to a hotel.

But now their home of 28 years is ruined.

“We’ve been through tough stuff for 53 years, nothing like this,” said Beverly.

Forced to leave their belongings, now they just have each other.

“We’ll get through it. We’ll get through it. I know. It isn’t like we’ve got a choice,” said Potts.

Michael is a Vietnam veteran. He told WINK News he can’t go home to fix things like he used to at his age.

They also said FEMA is set to come out to their home Wednesday for an inspection. For now, they’re staying with their daughter.

The Potts say they are praying they don’t have to start from scratch and say goodbye to their dream home.

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