Professional Experience

WINK- June 2018 to Present.
Previous experience WBOC- TV Salisbury, MD.

News Philosophy

Give every story you do 110 percent.

There's always someone out there who has a story to be told, they're just waiting for us to find it and tell it. Accurately and honestly.

Hobbies, Interests & Community Involvement

Since I moved to SWFL my hobbies have mainly consisted of relaxing by the pool/ beach when I am not working!


I studied at Villanova University. I majored in Communications with a specialization in Journalism. While I attended school there I did over 5 internships at various news stations in the North East.

Likes best about Southwest Florida

Easy answer- The Weather! Being from NY- I still can't believe I live in paradise!


Manhasset, NY.

Pandemic forcing more people into homelessness, panhandling

The pandemic is forcing more people out of their homes and onto the streets, causing a rise in the number of panhandlers in Lee County and elsewhere. The St. Matthew’s House says it’s seeing more requests for services and more homeless people out on the streets. The biggest thing the community can do for those […]

Lee Health in need of Type O positive blood

Lee Health says they’ve never seen their supply of Type O positive blood so low — drawers of it are entirely empty. The blood center at Lee Health gets inventory reports every day. This week, they were shocked to see many of their facilities had critically low levels of O positive, as it’s a blood […]

Sanibel left with major flooding after Tropical Storm Sally

Tropical Storm Sally reduced many of Sanibel’s streets to canals and parking lots to pools over the weekend. Over 10 inches of rain fell, leaving many residents wading through almost knee-high waters. The water around homeowner Chris Widman’s property was at least ankle-deep, flooding his house and damaging his garage. He says he hasn’t seen […]

United States Census illustration. (Credit: MGN)

Census deadline approaches; help your community get the money it needs

The Sept. 30 deadline to fill out census information is nearing. Officials say an accurate report is crucial in determining the disbursement of state and national funds. Lehigh Acres has typically had one of the lowest response levels for the census, but according to the count committee that focuses on this area, 2020’s numbers are […]

Collier County School District sets up designated space for virtual teachers

Virtual teaching presents many challenges to teachers, so eCollier Academy is making some changes to make school easier. The plan is to make eCollier a much more long term virtual learning option and this project will help the school district do just that. The district has space at Calusa Park Elementary devoted only to the […]

More lanes, safety improvements coming to major Collier County road

A major Collier County road project is getting the green light to help you get around faster and safer. Airport-Pulling Road from Immokalee Road to Vanderbilt Beach Road will be widened to three lanes, with improvements for pedestrian and bike safety. The county said work on the road is long overdue, and the growing population […]

Officials fear spike in COVID cases after Labor Day gatherings

Many of you are saying enough is enough and are planning to head to the beach or enjoy a backyard barbecue this Labor Day. That’s despite health officials warning not to make the same mistakes we did over Memorial Day and the Fourth of July. More than 11,000 cases of COVID-19 were reported after the […]

Warning tag on school masks upset some Collier County parents

A Collier County School District face covering has some parents upset due to the warning on its tag. It reads: “Not intended to prevent or eliminate exposure to any disease, infection or communicable disease.” “Modern science tells us that these masks were never designed to prevent the spread of diseases, so I wasn’t surprised that […]

Cape Coral Charter Schools use independent contact tracing as 2 COVID-19 cases appear

The Cape Coral Charter School System is dealing with two cases of COVID-19 this week, and school leaders are working to alert anyone who was in contact with those two students – one each in Oasis elementary and middle schools. School leaders aren’t relying on the Department of Health to contact trace. They have their […]

Kids, teachers finally head back to school in Southwest Florida

School buses hit the road across Southwest Florida on Monday for the first time in six months, picking up our children for the first day of their somewhat normal routine as they head back to school. For many parents, it can make for a stressful day, but the districts have spent weeks preparing and the […]