So many people are struggling this holiday, but one couple is trying to make it easier on those in need.

Operation Christmas started with one man in Alva. He would dress up as Santa and deliver toys to his friends’ children. Four years ago, Toys for Tots partnered with him to provide more toys for even more families in need.

It’s a Christmas tradition for Charlie Harrington and Jackie Armate. Every year, they make a special list.

“I think I’ve checked it at least four, maybe five times…” Armate said.

“Way more than twice,” added Harrington.

Their list this year is made up of 300 families in need to make sure they have presents to unwrap on Christmas Day.

“We just want to make sure everyone is helped,” Armate said.

2020 will go down as a year of misery, pain, hardship and loss for many people, so the Alva couple’s list is longer than usual.

“I’ve been calling it a logistical nightmare, but everybody’s getting their toys and no one will slip through the cracks,” Harrington said.

Dressed in a suit that’s red, Harrington packed a truck full of toys. One of his stops: the Lehigh Acres home of Charles Grillo, a father of two.

“I got maybe 12 gifts between my wife working late nights and me not working, 12 gifts to wrap and that was it, we didn’t have anything for our kids,” said Grillo, who was moved to tears by the act of kindness.

“I cried. As a father, it hurts. You know, I was making 70, 80,000 a year, and now I’m making zero.”

Seeing the smiles of those they help brings joy to Armate and Harrington each Christmas season.

The couple said their goal for 2021 is to turn Operation Santa into a nonprofit so they can continue to spread Christmas cheer to even more families in need.

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Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, have released a family holiday card marking their first American Christmas, featuring the couple with their 19-month-old son Archie, as well as their two adorable dogs.

The card is an illustration based on a photo taken by the duchess’s mom, Doria Ragland. It was released through the animal welfare organization Mayhew, which Meghan has been a patron of since the beginning of 2019.

The casual image shows off Archie’s red hair, inherited from his dad, and the two family dogs, Pula and Guy. The entire family is sitting in a backyard shed decorated for the holiday season at their new home in California.

It’s the first public image of Archie since his birthday in May.

“Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year,” the card says.

“The original photo of the family was taken at their home earlier this month by The Duchess’s mother,” a spokesperson for the couple told Entertainment Tonight. “The small Christmas tree, including the homemade ornaments and other decorations, were selected by Archie, and the tree will be replanted after the holidays.”

Meghan said in a statement that her family has made a donation to Mayhew, which will go towards “vital work to help dogs, cats and communities” during the coronavirus pandemic.

“This year we, as a family, have made donations to several charities with you in mind,” Meghan wrote. “From a local California organization that helps families transition out of homelessness, to two of our U.K. patronages: one that supports animal and community welfare, and the other, a memorial fund for a cherished friend that helps to educate children and fight poverty in Uganda, we have honored their work on behalf of all of us.”

Last year, Meghan and Harry’s card featured a video of newborn Archie crawling towards the camera, with his smiling parents sitting behind him. They spent the 2019 holiday season in Canada rather than at Sandringham Estate — the queen’s rural retreat, as has long been customary for senior royals.

Harry’s father and stepmother, Prince Charles and Camilla, also released a holiday card last week. The sweet photo was taken in the garden at Birkhall, Scotland.

Prince William and Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge, have also released a heartwarming family photo from their 2020 Christmas card, also with their kids center stage. Prince George, 7, Princess Charlotte, 5, and Prince Louis, 2, are all seen lounging on their parents while smiling wide for the camera.

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The spirit of Christmas was alive in a Collier County neighborhood Thursday night.

Victoria Park is known for going all out for the holidays and is always packed on Christmas Eve.

A teenager there added a little spin to the celebration. She’s raising money for the Humane Society as people drive by.

The whole neighborhood was decked in lights, and a street with arches of lights was the most popular spot in the whole neighborhood. People were packing the street in their cars to enjoy the holiday lights and the Christmas spirit.

‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through Victoria Park. Hundreds and hundreds of cars lined up to see lights shining in the dark.

Neighbors waved to those passing by from far and near, happy to bring the Christmas cheer, especially this year.

Sweet melodies played by a 15-year-old girl, hoping to raise $1,000 for the humane society and bring joy to the world.

Violinist Sidney Cramer plays for all who pass by her home in Victoria park on Christmas Eve Thursday, Dec. 24, 2020. Cramer raised money for the Human Society, collecting donations for anyone willing to spread the Christmas cheer.

“This year has been really tough definitely, so to be able to shine some light amidst this darkness, that really makes me happy,” said violinist Sidney Cramer, who raised money for Humane Society.

A community coming together to make Christmas Merry and bright with artificial snow, Santas and arches of lights.

“To be a part of this this year means everything to me, everything,” neighbor Billy Michaelman said.

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.

“I hope that all these lights and all this stuff at least temporarily helps people kind of forget other things that are going on,” neighbor Robert Ouaou said.

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Many people chose to stay apart this Christmas, but some families didn’t have a choice. A baby is about to go through another first without her father. He’s fighting for his life this Christmas because of COVID-19.

We told you about Val Guerrero and his family in Fort Myers during the Thanksgiving holiday week. He could not be with his family then due to COVID-19, and his condition has not improved. Val was flown to Orlando for more treatment because of his condition.

Val’s wife, Erica Guerrero, will get to see him on Christmas and spend time with him, time they have not shared in weeks. She last saw him at the end of November before he was taken for further treatment out of town.

While he’s still in a medically-induced coma and on life support, she’s excited to once again be by his side.

“It’s just it’s still a bit shocking because we’ve been hopeful,” Erica said.

It’s approaching two months since their daughter last got to see dad.

“Every now and then, I still cry,” Erica said. “But we have a five-month-old baby, so I’ve been trying to keep it together, really, for the baby.”

Erica says her husband is no longer testing positive for COVID-19, but the effects of the virus are still threatening his life.

“It was two days ago when the doctor told me that he might not make it through the night,” Erica said.

He did, but Erica says Val has remained on life support. She says some of his internal organs are failing, and necrosis is setting in.

That’s why Erica’s visit with Val on Christmas is important.

“It’s going to be really sad, and I hate seeing him that way,” Val said. “But at the same time, it’s important that, you know, I get to talk to him. I believe he can hear us.”

Because of visitor restrictions and health concerns, the Guerrero’s daughter won’t be able to see her father on Christmas.

“I did some recordings of the baby laughing, giggling, so I would like him to hear that,” Erica said.

Val’s wife doesn’t wish this on anyone. Instead, Erica hopes others take it as a wakeup call.

“I would just really want to tell everyone to, you know, practice precautionary measures at all times,” Erica said.

Erica and her husband’s family are driving to Orlando on Christmas. She says the hospital is only allowing one visitor per day, so they’ll spend three days there, so his sister and father can also be with him.

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On Christmas Eve in Italy, church bells rang earlier than usual. The Italian government’s 10 p.m. curfew prompted pastors to move up services, with “Midnight” Mass starting Thursday evening in some churches as early as a couple hours after dark.

Pope Francis, who has said people “must obey” civil authorities’ measures to fight the spread of COVID-19, fell in line. This year, the Christmas vigil Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica was moved up from 9:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Normally, seats at the vigil Mass are quickly snapped up by Romans and tourists, but the pandemic has reduced tourists in Italy to a trickle. In keeping with social distancing measures, barely 200 faithful — instead of several thousand — spaced out in the basilica’s pews and wearing masks, attended Francis’ celebration of the Mass. A row of fiery red poinsettia plants warmly contrasted with the sumptuous cold marble of the basilica.

Francis in his homily offered reflections on Christmas’ significance. “We often hear it said that the greatest joy in life is the birth of a child. It is something extraordinary and it changes everything,” he said. A child “makes us feel loved but can also teach us how to love.”

“God was born a child in order to encourage us to care for others,” said Francis, who has made attention to the poor and unjustly treated a key theme of his papacy.

Celebrations elsewhere in Europe were canceled or greatly scaled back as coronavirus infections surge across the continent and a new variant that may be more contagious has been detected.

Meanwhile, Bethlehem on Thursday ushered in Christmas Eve with a stream of joyous marching bands and the triumphant arrival of the top Catholic clergyman in the Holy Land, but few people were there to greet them as the coronavirus pandemic and a strict lockdown dampened celebrations in the traditional birthplace of Jesus.

Palestinian scout bands parade through Manger Square at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem on December 24, 2020.

Similar subdued scenes were repeated across the world as the festive family gatherings and packed prayers that typically mark the holiday were scaled back or canceled altogether.

In Australia, worshippers had to book tickets online to attend socially distanced church services. The Philippines prohibited mass gatherings and barred extended families from holding traditional Christmas Eve dinners. Traditional door-to-door children’s carols were canceled in Greece.

Italians lined up at bakeries, fish markets and grocery stores for items needed to prepare Christmas Eve dinners, even as government officials begged families to limit their “cenone” gatherings to no more than two people outside the main family unit. The government this week barred travel between regions, and police were out Thursday enforcing the restrictions.

In Athens, Christmas Eve was eerily silent. In normal times, voices of children singing carols while tinkling metal triangles can be heard all day. The decades-old custom, in which children go house to house and receive small gifts, was banned this year. Groups of children managed to honor the tradition by singing to Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis by video link.

A socially-distanced Christmas Mass in the Frauenkirche in Bavaria, Germany, on December 24, 2020.

Throughout the pandemic, one of the hardest-hit churches in New York City has been Saint Peter’s Lutheran Church in Manhattan. Church leaders say more than 60 members of the congregation — which numbered about 800 before the pandemic — have died of COVID-19, almost all of them part of the community of some 400 who attended services in Spanish.

Despite their own heartbreaks, congregation members — many of them immigrants — donated coats, scarves and other winter clothes for more than 100 migrant minors at a detention center in Manhattan.

While many other New York City churches have resumed in-person services, Saint Peter’s continues to offer its Masses only online. The schedule for Christmas Eve and Christmas day included Masses in English and Spanish, and a bilingual jazz vespers service.

In Bethlehem, officials tried to make the most out of a bad situation.

“Christmas is a holiday that renews hope in the souls,” said Mayor Anton Salman. “Despite all the obstacles and challenges due to corona and due to the lack of tourism, the city of Bethlehem is still looking forward to the future with optimism.”

Raw, rainy weather added to the gloomy atmosphere, as several dozen people gathered in the central Manger Square to greet Latin Patriarch Pierbattista Pizzaballa. Youth marching bands playing Christmas carols on bagpipes, accompanied by pounding drummers, led a joyous procession ahead of the patriarch’s arrival early in the afternoon.

Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, the top Roman Catholic cleric in the Holy Land, center, arrives at the Church of the Nativity in the West Bank city of Bethlehem for Christmas Eve Mass on December 24, 2020.

“Despite the restrictions and limitations we want to celebrate as much as possible, with family, community and joy,” said Pizzaballa, who was to lead a small Midnight Mass gathering later in the evening. “We want to offer hope.”

Thousands of foreign pilgrims usually flock to Bethlehem for the celebrations. But the closure of Israel’s international airport to foreign tourists, along with Palestinian restrictions banning intercity travel in the areas they administer in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, kept visitors away.

The restrictions limited attendance to residents and a small entourage of religious officials. Evening celebrations, when pilgrims normally congregate around the Christmas tree, were canceled, and Midnight Mass was limited to clergy.

The coronavirus has dealt a heavy blow to Bethlehem’s tourism sector, the lifeblood of the local economy. Restaurants, hotels and gift shops have been shuttered.

It was not the usual raucous Christmas eve in Mexico City. The big celebration was a ceremony where the country’s first coronavirus vaccine shots were administered.

On Christmas Eve, parents usually take their kids to a downtown plaza where actors dress up as the Three Wise Men or Santa Claus and pose in front of elaborate backdrops resembling the sets of popular children’s movies.

But this year, the Wise Men and Santas were banned. Mexico’s other grand tradition, Midnight Mass, was canceled in many parishes.

Still, Zoé Robledo, director of Mexico’s social security system, said the start of the country’s COVID-19 vaccine program made it “an unforgettable Christmas.”

Rio de Janeiro’s iconic beaches remained open, but a City Hall decree aimed at limiting gatherings prevented drivers from parking along the shore. Rain also kept beachgoers at home.

Thomas Azevedo and his 9-year-old son braved the bad weather to set up a small stand, selling beer and caipirinhas made from fresh fruit. By early afternoon, he hadn’t sold a thing.

“It’s not so much the rain; in previous years it was full of tourists at Christmas. This year there’s no one,” said Azevedo, 28.

Australians had until recently been looking forward to a relatively COVID-19-free Christmas after travel restrictions across state borders relaxed in recent weeks in the absence of any evidence of community transmission. But after new cases were detected over the past week, states again closed their borders.

While many places around the globe were keeping or increasing restrictions for Christmas, Lebanon was an exception. With its economy in tatters and parts of its capital destroyed by a massive August 4 port explosion, Lebanon has lifted most virus measures ahead of the holidays, hoping to encourage spending. Tens of thousands of Lebanese expatriates have arrived home for the holidays, leading to fears of an inevitable surge in cases during the festive season.

Lebanon has the largest percentage of Christians in the Middle East — about a third of its 5 million people — and traditionally celebrates Christmas with much fanfare.

“People around us were tired, depressed and depleted, so we said let’s just plant a drop of joy and love,” said Sevine Ariss, one of the organizers of a Christmas fair along the seaside road where the explosion caused the most damage.

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Long after we get past the health issues associated with COVID-19, we will likely still be dealing with the after-effects. Think about all the ways it’s changed our lives so far. And now, how it may for years to come.

Florida Gulf Coast University Finance Professor Tom Smythe; Assistant Professor Joe Liu with Dept. of Management; and Director of the Community Counseling Center Alise Bartley, all sat down with WINK News Achor Chris Cifatte to talk about the possible lasting changes.

WATCH the roundtable above.

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It’s been a tough year for shops and restaurants during the pandemic, but businesses are hoping Christmas week gives them a much-needed boost.

We went to The Village Shops on Venetian Bay in Naples Thursday, where it’s a vital time for businesses.

Last-minute shoppers rushed out to make sure their friends and family would get the gifts they hoped for.

Those at shops we spoke to say there was a rush Christmas Eve when a lot of people like to be at home with family. It was a welcomed sight for small businesses.

“Yesterday was crazy as far as last-minute shoppers,” said Brooke Koch, the manager of Panache.

Koch says the 30-year-old boutique struggled like many other small businesses did during the pandemic.

“I mean, very scary,” Koch said. “We didn’t know what was going to go on. We had a lot of product left over because we ordered so much for February and March being season.”

A holiday rush was exactly what they needed.

“Actually, better than last year to be honest with you, which was surprising,” Koch said. “We’ve made sure that we have a lot of different ‘gifty’ items, and a lot of guys coming here shop for their wives.”

The shop Koch manages is a short walk away from John Phelp’s custom jewelry business, where he has been lucky to do pretty well during the pandemic.

“We are very, very blessed,” Koch said.

His shop has benefitted even more from the increased foot traffic this holiday season.

“I would say, on both on Tuesday and Wednesday, it was just nonstop,”’ said. “We had a stack of receipts that was really, really big, so we’re doing a lot of business.”

Both Phelps and Koch hope the trend continues.

“It’s been nice,” Koch said. “It’s been pretty busy, so we are very blessed.”

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A Southwest Florida church organized its first Christmas Eve celebration followed by a service, and while it looked a little different, it still had some Christmas magic.

Hope for the future is what the Christmas story represents, and that’s why First United Methodist Church in Punta Gorda decided to go all out this Christmas Eve.

After everything we’ve gone through this year, who doesn’t need a little hope?

“Coming to the park and having the worship service here and the live nativity scene just really shows the true reason for the season and that’s what we’re here to celebrate,” said Jennifer Hustedte, who went to the event with her family.

The church held a socially-distanced service at Gilchrist Park brought to life for the kids with music, a petting zoo, Christmas stories and a live nativity, all to reinforce the true meaning of this Christian holy day.

“It’s really cool to watch the kids ask questions and to have the parents answer and explain the nativity stories. So it’s really cool to see the Christmas magic come alive,” said Jordan Flick, director of ministry.

“Christmas is very important, just to celebrate the birth of baby Jesus as a family,” Hustedte said.

Flick and her team spent months planning ways to make the day special for families, and with the turnout they had, they make the event a tradition.

“We hope that it helps create that imagination … this will hopefully stick out in their mind when they look back at it one day,” Flick said.

“Continue to pray that things will get better and really enjoy and understand how blessed we truly are,” Hustedte said.

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Missing unemployment benefits means more hardship for people in Southwest Florida.

Two men, like many others, are pleading for the Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) to get their checks.

David Westerman is now homeless for Christmas, a situation he never thought he’d be in.

“I’m stuck on unemployment now because of this, he explained. “If I had just gotten that money, I could have gotten a vehicle, I would have gotten myself picked up and back to work.”

Westerman said he never received the weekly $600 from the CARES Act this summer, “I guess they sent six checks to an address that didn’t exist.”

That’s $3,600 he’s still fighting to get.

“They say, well, we’re going to get a supervisor to send this information off to the right people and if you don’t get the money within two weeks call back.”

Currently, he’s collecting only $125 a week.

After his car broke down, he said he sold almost all of his stuff and still couldn’t make rent, leaving him on the street. “It’s not enough for me to function, really. I guess to function on the street maybe, but not get me back to where I need to be.”

Herman Clifton is also struggling, all because his account was flagged for fraud. “I’ve been fighting with them since the 26th of May and I still haven’t gotten one penny.”

He said if it weren’t for his wife’s job at the post office, they wouldn’t have any of the usual Christmas traditions this year.

“It definitely affected my Christmas, because my wife had to foot the bill by herself.”

Now, all Clifton and Westerman are asking for is what they’re legally owed.

“You know I just need help,” Westerman said, “I just want them to do their job. That’s all I want them to do.”

And for Clifton, “At this point, this is about the worst I’ve been in life.”

Their lives are hanging in the balance because of the broken unemployment system.

We asked the DEO to look into their claims and a representative said she would.

Now, due to office and bank closures for the holidays, Reemployment Assistance Payments may be delayed 2-3 business days. For additional resources click here.

For ongoing updates and information on unemployment, follow WINK News Investigative Reporter Sara Girard on Twitter and Facebook.

She also updates the WINK News FAQ: Unemployment Resources page as information is received.

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