Exclusive video: A tale of two gators

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COLLIER COUNTY, Fla. – WINK News has exclusive video of two gators at two different locations in Collier County.

One was caught in Golden Gate, the other is still on the loose in North Naples.

WINK News cameras were rolling as a 9 foot alligator took a stroll right in front of Grace Community Daycare at Santa Barbara Boulevard and Hunter Boulevard on Thursday night.

A trapper was able to capture it, but across the county, another trapper didn’t have as much luck.

A 6 foot gator stopped traffic at Livingston Road and Immokalee Road before it slipped into the brush just feet away from the St. Croix Apartments.

When we told parents what happened, they couldn’t believe it.

“This is my first time encountering an animal close to my house,” said Kalyani Narayanamoorehy.

Now, parents say they’ll be meeting their kids at the bus stop to walk them home. Pet parents tell us they won’t be using the personal dog park at the complex until the gator is gone.

“Probably not walk my dog there,” said neighbor, Adrienne Miller.

Florida Fish and Wildlife officials say it’s the time of year when all reptiles are active and their metabolism increases. They’re asking people to not approach the alligators and to not feed them. If you spot a nuisance gator, you can call the FWC hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR.

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