Credit: WINK News
Students returned to campus at Florida Gulf Coast University on Monday, and a case of COVID-19 has already been reported.
The student lives at the campus’ North Lake Village, and while fall classes haven’t started, testing for the coronavirus is in full swing.
Some who live near the campus worry that students might spread the virus when they’re out and about.
“It kinda scares me because we’re older,” said Mary Bell, who with her husband has lived near FGCU for 20 years.
This year, Bell said that with each reported case, “I’m really worried about it because we’ve stayed quarantined pretty much the whole time.”
The university set aside housing space for students to quarantine in – or they can go home. Taking those precautions will keep Vivianne Danalis’ husband safe. He works in a shopping center near campus.
“I hope so, for their sake – they’re not quite safe either. There’s no age guarantee about anything,” Danalis said.
No guarantee, just precautions for students and their neighbors.
“Stay as safe as you can because you’re not just helping yourself, you’re helping other people,” Bell said.
The university said it will notify others as “deemed applicable on a case by case basis by health officials.” That includes evaluating each case on its own, like whether another student or faculty member may have been exposed, needs to be tested or should quarantine.