Duo arrested for breaking into Englewood coin machine

Writer: Matthew Seaver
Michael Justin Rowe (Left) Taylor Marie Farrell (Right) (Credit: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office)

The Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office says the two people accused of breaking into a coin machine at an Englewood laundromat are under arrest.

Deputies have arrested Michael Justin Rowe, 32, and Taylor Marie Farrell, 34, for smashing their way into the coin machine with a sledgehammer and getting away with $800.

The sheriff’s office says the two entered an Englewood laundromat on May 8, around 10:45 p.m. Security cameras captured the suspects as a man in a monkey mask and a woman with blonde hair and glasses.

Suspects in Englewood coin machine break-in (Credit: Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office)

Deputies say the woman was heard on the security camera video yelling, “We gotta go. You’ve been in here too long,” before the two left the laundromat and fled in a blue Mercury.

Thanks to tips from the community, the woman was identified as Farrell. Deputies arrested Farrell on May 11, and she gave them a full confession.

On May 16, Deputies were able to locate Rowe and take him into custody.

Both Rowe and Farrell are being held at the Charlotte County Jail.

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