Naples Airport wants public input on noise study

Reporter: Emma Heaton Writer: Matthew Seaver
Published: Updated:

Noise from above led to almost 800 noise complaints at the Naples Airport from October 2021 to September 2022. Now, the airport is hoping to implement some new measures to hopefully decrease complaints from neighbors.

The executive director of the airport said complaints really increased since the pandemic. He says Naples has become increasingly popular, and more people have noticed the noise. At the end of the day, the Federal Aviation Administration gets to decide what will be done about it.

The Naples Airport has a list of ideas to submit to the FAA, and your feedback makes a big difference.

The Naples Airport Authority is no exception to sound complaints. “Noise is an issue with every airport, whether their commercial or general aviation,” said Zac Burch, communications manager for the Naples Airport Authority.

Burch said you could help cancel out the noise. “The noise study process. The part 150 process.”

Part 150 is a study airports can undertake to investigate ways to mitigate noise concerns for the community. Burch said Naples Aiport took part and created a draft of recommendations.

“It could look at flight procedure changes, it could look at land use changes, programs that they want to introduce,” said Burch.

One of the noise maintenance recommendations includes steeper approaches for aircraft to keep them higher for longer, eliminating sound when they’re lower to the ground.

Now, the airport needs your feedback.

“Once the public comment periods over, the airport authority board will make a final vote on what should be included, and then it’ll be submitted to the FAA for their review and hopefully approval,” Burch said.

If you’d like to view the draft or make a comment, click here. You have until March 17.

If you prefer to voice your concerns in person, there are two open houses on March 9 at the Mooring’s Presbyterian Chruch. The first runs from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. The second runs from 4 p.m. until 6 p.m.

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