Retirement community still without safe water for months

Reporter: Taylor Wirtz Writer: Rachel Murphy
Published: Updated:

The people who live in Shell Creek, an RV park in Punta Gorda, haven’t had water for months after Hurricane Ian. Now they have water that isn’t even safe to use.

When WINK News first met with neighbors at Shell Creek RV Community in June, they were living in almost post-hurricane conditions with their water.

On Monday, Craig Johnson said not much had changed.

“I have to boil it, pour it in the sink, use another gallon of water to cool it off, then I have to use another gallon of water in the other sink in order to rinse the dishes,” Johnson explained. “All that just to wash the dishes.”

While Johnson said he’s able to shower in the water, as long as he closes his eyes and mouth, those with underlying issues are not. Like his wife, Sally.

“She goes to her daughter’s in Cape Coral to shower. Because she said when she does, about an hour after the shower, she’s digging at her skin because she has a skin issue,” Johnson said.

Sally Johnson told WINK News she drives 40 minutes just to take a shower.

According to neighbors, management has brought in portable showers. But they’re not cleaned in between each use and the steps aren’t handicap friendly. In a park full of retirees, that poses a problem.

“Management doesn’t tell us anything. We don’t know any more than you do right now, and that’s very upsetting,” Sally Johnson said.

WINK News asked residents why they haven’t tried to move with all these issues. They said that most people came to Shell Creek to retire, and it’s not financially feasible for them to move again.

WINK News reached out to Sun Communities with residents’ concerns but have not heard back.

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