Overcoming loss and pushing forward one year after Ian

Reporter: Taylor Wirtz Writer: Matias Abril
Published: Updated:

Many people have shared their stories with WINK News, and the common term to describe them all is resilience.

When WINK first introduced Colleen Schilinski and her husband Bill Beveridge days after Ian had ripped apart her mobile home in Englewood, their story touched so many.

Her husband Bill had been battling non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma for years and died in May.

Even after the many blows Colleen received after the storm, she hasn’t given up.

When WINK News met with Colleen and Bill, they were living in what was left of their home.

Now, one year after Ian, Colleen is living in a FEMA trailer after saying goodbye to Bill.

Colleen misses Bill daily, but she said she’s trying to keep going with her life, as he wanted her to.

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