Rep. Steube weighs in on Americans still in Gaza

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WINK News spoke to Congressman Greg Steube about his fears for the Americans still trapped in Israel.

Steube said he fears Americans trapped in Gaza or being held hostage by Hamas may not be able to escape under the current administration.

He also fears humanitarian aid being sent to help the Palestinian people will end up in the hands of terrorist groups.

“The Palestinians support Hamas. That money goes to Hamas, so now we’re going to be funding both sides of this war. I think it is a huge, huge foreign policy mistake,” Steube said.

The announcement of the humanitarian assistance comes at a time when Americans are still trapped in Gaza or being held hostage by Hamas.

That means families likethose of Emilee Rauchenberger, whom WINK News spoke about last week, may still be stranded in Gaza.

WINK News spoke with Emilee’s dad John Rauchenberger, who lives in Bonita Springs. He said he did not want to react to the congressman.

Steube was asked by WINK News if he thinks people like Emilee have any hope of getting out.

WINK News asked, “They’ve been trying to get out through the border, and Egypt is stopping them. Do you think that people like that have any hope with the administration to get out?”

“Not under this current administration in the way that they’re operating,” Steube said. “The Egyptians, [and] the Jordanians wouldn’t even meet with President Biden while he was over there. I mean, that’s how bad the policy decisions are of this administration, and that those policy decisions are showing the unrest that we’re seeing every single day in the Middle East and causing American lives to be lost, and we’re seeing that every single day.”

The topic of humanitarian aid is also a contentious issue for people in Southwest Florida.

On one side, the Biden Administration said the $100 million in humanitarian aid will help the Palestinian people, saying civilians are not to blame and their lives must be protected.

Florida Gov. Ron Desantis fired back. He said the taxpayer dollars are going to be commandeered by Hamas and used to advance terrorism.

People in Southwest Florida weigh in on the pledged humanitarian aid.

“If I believed that they would get the humanitarian aid, and Hamas wouldn’t steal it, I’d be all for it,” said Cindy Krushinski, who is moving to Bonita Springs.

“I’m with DeSantis. Don’t send any money. It goes to weapons,” said George Cohan from Bonita Springs.

The Biden Administration has said the humanitarian aid will help the more than one million people displaced and affected by the war by providing people with clean water, food, hygiene support, medical care and other essential needs.

The president said if Hamas confiscates the aid, it will end.

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