Beach day! Above-average temps for your Saturday, but cooler air on the way

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swfl weather

It’s going to be a warm and dry Saturday with temperatures reaching around 80 degrees by Saturday afternoon, according to The Weather Authority Meteorologist Lauren Kreidler.

Rain chances remain slim throughout the weekend due to dry air overhead, leading to those slightly above-average temperatures.

“It’s going to be a great day for the boaters,” added Kreidler. “Winds are out of the southeast with wave heights around one to two feet.”


Expect a warm Super Bowl Sunday with just a chance for a stray shower. Sun and clouds will be around all day long and a slight breeze at times that will be great for outdoor tailgate plans!

Upcoming Week

“We can expect a pattern shift come Monday evening as a cold front nears us,” explained Kreidler. “While we aren’t expecting this front to be strong, our rain chances will increase, particularly into the overnight hours Monday into Tuesday.”

Behind the front, drier and slightly cooler air will move in for Tuesday.

“That will stick with us for Wednesday, Valentine’s Day, allowing for mostly sunny skies, a forecast hard not to love!” said Kreidler.

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