Leaders react to NAACP’s claims about Amira Fox

Reporter: Annette Montgomery
Published: Updated:

Creditable criticism? Or just a bold claim?

The NAACP said explicitly, “State attorney Miss Amira Fox does not like Black people,” calling attention to the fact she hasn’t addressed the Christopher Jordan case.

But will this tactic get the answers or the justice the NAACP is vying for?

This was state attorney Amira Fox’s response to the NAACP’s statement after a lack of answers into the ongoing investigation of Christopher Jordan, a Black man shot and killed in his home on December 1, 2023.

“Despite the reckless and irresponsible comments of the NAACP, I will meet with them when the time is appropriate.

She didn’t directly respond to their claim she does not like Black people.

“Why would she? They didn’t put up, and I don’t have a dog in this fight. They didn’t put up. They made an allegation, but they’re not putting up facts, so it’s easy to throw out innuendo,” said Thomas.

Thomas was a police officer for decades, and the former dean of the CSI Academy of Florida. He said although he understands the NAACP’s passion for figuring out the details of this case, that takes time, and he’s not sure if bringing race into it is the right tactic as time passes.

Thomas said the details regarding an officer-involved shooting takes time, and he knows from training and experience that it can be a long time before all of the facts come out.

“I’ve sat there and listened to the investigators talk about how it takes them six months to investigate a shooting,” he said. “When those facts are handed to her, then she’s going to make a decision whether she’s going to press charges, convene a grand jury, or whatever she’s going to decide to do.”

We reached out to the state attorney’s office again today to see if Amira Fox wanted to directly address the claim that she does not like black people, but she sent us the statement she sent before.

The NAACP still plans to protest outside of her office on Friday.

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