Motorists brace for upcoming Caloosahatchee Bridge closure

Author: Sommer Senne, Annalise Iraola Writer: Nicholas Karsen
Published: Updated:

The Caloosahatchee Bridge has reopened after being closed overnight on Tuesday; however, the feeling is short-lived as the bridge will soon be closed to add a pedestrian walkway.

Beginning Friday, the Florida Department of Transportation will close the bridge for 10 weeks to accelerate the walkway’s construction.

The decision stemmed from a mixture of reasons: ensuring safety for the construction workers, lower traffic due to school being out, fewer visitors from outside the state and reducing the chance of collisions due to only operating a single lane during construction hours.

According to FDOT, by closing the bridge for 10 weeks, will advance the completion of the project by roughly one year.

FDOT encourages motorists to leave their homes early to avoid heavy delays on the other bridges. Due to fewer bridges in operation, drivers should expect significant backups.

In the event of a hurricane, a plan has been established to open one lane of traffic in each direction to allow for emergency evacuation.

This week, we rode along with two women on their commute to work: Sarah Pombano and Carolyn Weaver, who know they are going to be affected by the bridge’s closure.

Pombano lives in Cape Coral, and Sarah lives in North Fort Myers. Both take the Caloosahatchee bridge to their jobs.

Both are anxiously waiting to see how the traffic will be affected once the bridge closes on Friday.

“I really couldn’t believe it, and then I thought, well, it makes sense because North Fort Myers isn’t incorporated. We don’t really have a voice in the community. I’m certain nobody polled the people that live up there that work, or they wouldn’t have made this decision,” Weaver said.

“It’s gonna be horrible. The traffic is gonna be definitely backed up on all the bridges. I have friends who live in the other side of Southwest Cape that are taking the Veterans bridge that used to take this bridge. It’s gonna be really bad,” Pombano said.

Toll bridges are not connected to this project, so if people hope that toll costs will be reduced during the 10-week period, Lee County would have to make a decision.

The Caloosahatchee Bridge will reopen on Monday, August 11, 2024.

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