Collier County culinary accelerator may close

Author: Aisling Swift, Gulfshore Business
Published: Updated:
Credit: Culinary Accelerator at Immokalee

After six years helping chef entrepreneurs launch bakeries, food trucks and restaurants, Collier County’s Culinary Accelerator at Immokalee may shut down, leaving 13 chefs to find another kitchen. 

County commissioners on June 11 voted to put out an Invitation to Negotiate to entice a buyer to purchase kitchen equipment at market price. The equipment’s depreciated value is appraised at $219,807. Commissioner Bill McDaniel Jr.’s motion also wants the ITN to determine if a buyer would be interested in assuming the lease and operations with current members at Immokalee Airport.  

“This is a catalyst to get them jump-started,” Commissioner Rick LoCastro said. “But when I hear somebody’s been in there for three years paying us … about $2,000 for the space, which is a great deal, … I wouldn’t be looking very hard for a brick-and-mortar place.” 

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