Search continues for hit-and-run driver in Cape Coral

Reporter: Haley Zarcone Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

A man was hit by a car and left to die on the side of the Cape Coral Bridge on Saturday.

Richard Schafer is sharing his story exclusively with WINK News.

Schafer told WINK News that one moment, he was biking to his girlfriend’s house, and then he woke up on the road surrounded by good Samaritans.

“If there’s a bicycle lane, I’d be in that, you know, and if not, I try to be on the sidewalk,” said Schafer. “But there’s some places that you just have to, you know, be on the road briefly because there is no sidewalk and there is no bike lane. The Cape Coral Bridge is one of those locations.”

Richard Schafer left his security job around two Saturday morning and headed to Cape Coral
When he went to cross this bridge – he and his bike did not make it across together.

“I don’t even remember the impact. I don’t even remember headlights approaching me. I don’t have any memory at all of the car. I just woke up on the road, and I couldn’t even see that my bike was nowhere in sight,” said Schafer.

“He was asking where his bike was. It was actually at the end of the bridge. And if you know where the hump of the bridge is and where the end of the bridge is, it’s pretty far,” said Paige Walker, a witness to the crash.

Walker was driving right behind Schafer as this all happened.

“I drove around the car, and I just saw a man, like, on the floor with blood everywhere. And I was like, oh my god,” said Walker.

“They just, like, hit me, like I was standing still, and they hit me hard,” said Schafer. “So hard it busted the fender off the car and I’m on an e-bike,” said Schafer.

This fender said to be a part of a black Lexus R-x 350, was in his back wheel.

Schafer says, luckily, this all will heal. What he’s most worried about is:

“Can you just replace my bike? Please? That would be like, I mean, I’ll say, we’re square that. Replace my bike. We’re good,” said Schafer.

Schaffer says his right hip is broken and as far as he knows, the driver is still out there tonight, possibly driving without that Fender.

WINK News has requested the report from the Florida Highway Patrol but has not received it yet.

Schafer’s loved ones have set up a GoFundMe to help cover Schafer’s medical expenses.

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