Teenage boys suspected of car stealing spree

Reporter: Haley Zarcone Writer: Elyssa Morataya
Published: Updated:

According to the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office, two 16-year-old boys have been connected to five stolen cars and 28 vehicle break-ins.

While they may have had a good run, their stealth ran out on Monday when they drove through a residential yard.

WINK News reporter Haley Zarcone spoke with the neighbor who heard it all and even talked to one of the boys. The neighbor identified the teen to the sheriff’s office later that day.

“They were flicking door handles. They’re just walking up and trying the door, and if the door opens, now they can get in,” said Chris Hall, public information officer with the Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office.

A summer playing real-life Grand Theft Auto now has the two teenagers facing multiple felony charges.

“There was a real thump sound that woke me up,” said neighbor Maxine Frank.

On Monday, the two teens got their hands on a car and wound up right behind Frank’s house.

“These are the tire marks, and they saw that they couldn’t get through here, so they backed up and tried again, and when I came out, just the back part of the car was showing,” said Frank.

That car was taken from a home in Port Charlotte. The teens drove it down to Jones Loop in Punta Gorda before finally ditching it off of Fair Haven Street back in Port Charlotte.

Minutes later, deputies were called, but the boys were gone.

“They left on foot, walking, and by that time, I could hear a helicopter go over,” said Frank. “I went down the street, got the policeman and brought him up here.”

Once one teen was in cuffs, the other told officers he stole the car to “hang out” with the other.

“Yeah, and no, they weren’t just hanging out. There’s more to the story than just hanging out,” said Frank.

That boy spilled even more information when he was in handcuffs.

He confessed to 28 total car burglaries, with five involving a stolen vehicle and said his friend was with him for all of them.

Despite being minors, the two are facing multiple felonies and are not eligible for exemption or diversion programs.

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