Lee County School Board approves high-stakes testing plan

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LEE COUNTY, Fla.- “Just one step at a time, there’s a lot of issues we have to deal with,” said School Board Member Steve Teuber.

Late Wednesday night, Lee County School Board Members took a major step approving a plan to limit the number of state mandated tests. It would also eliminate penalties for certain students who don’t take the tests.

“In order to have something, I think that this is the document that the board supports so I’m going to support it as well,” said Jeanne Dozier.

School Board member Jeanne Dozier backed the plan even though she admitted it was a watered down version of what she wanted. Many parents in the crowd agreed.

“If we do not go in strong, demand our rights, demand our children be protected, we’re wasting our time and you all know this. You know this.”

Steve Teuber tells WINK News, this plan is just one of many heading to Tallahassee.

“And once we start getting some momentum, and get the parents up there and the legislators see how important this is to our constituents, then we can actually push for further.”


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