85-year-old golfer gets first hole in one

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FORT MYERS, Fla. – There is no such thing as video on a golf scorecard. Marilyn McNulty says that’s absolutely fine with her.

“It’s shocking to me when I get a decent score,” she told WINK News, “but once in a while you get surprised.”

Friday, March 20, on hole number 17 at Myerlee Country Club, her normal golf game didn’t matter; that’s because she hit the perfect shot.

“I just hit it,” she said. “Nobody saw me hit it. When I got up there I said, ‘I don’t know where it went! It probably went over the hill.’ And one of the girls said, ‘no it’s in the hole.'”

McNulty has been playing golf for about 20 years. When she started, she only imagined she would still be playing at 85 years old, let alone celebrating a hole in one. No one in her group actually saw the ball go in. When the foursome peered into the cup, though, there it was!

“We went up not knowing it went in,” said playing partner, Ruth Ann Stinson, “and as I looked it was there!”

It just so happened everyone had a camera to capture the moment. It would be proof for her husband who would later need it to believe the incredible shot.

Wednesday, number 17 wasn’t as generous as it was nearly a week ago, but beggars can’t be choosers. The club honored McNulty with an official certificate, something she can frame and place next to her hole in one golf ball. Although the chances of McNulty getting another hole in one are highly unlikely, bragging rights are guaranteed for life.


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