FMB exploring new help to make a busy beach intersection safer


FORT MYERS BEACH, Fla.- A dangerous intersection on Fort Myers Beach has proven to be just that.

Recently a crossing guard was hit while helping at the intersection of Lenell Road and Estero Boulevard on the south end of the island. WINK News found out there is a discussion to try different methods to keep pedestrians safe.

The plan to have a crossing guard at the busy intersection was short lived. The crossing guard hired to work the intersection was hit by a car two separate times, thankfully she’ll be okay. But now the company she works for has backed out, refusing to put their employees at this intersection.

“The times they had her out there, it was more confusing than just letting people go on their own,” said FMB local Bob Clay.

Now, with no crossing guard, the town plans to ask Lee County to install a flashing crosswalk, similar to one outside of the Wyndham Hotel.

“I feel there should be a blinking light at all crossings,” said Clay.

“I think flashing guard would probably be great,” said visitor Sherry Kempf.

At the same time, WINK News is learning that Lee County’s Department of Transportation is studying the intersection to see if the crosswalk is in the right location or if it should be moved closer to a bus stop.

“People would still cross here because the sidewalks,” said Clay, “they will still cross whether it’s here or not.”

WINK News spoke to Lee County Commissioner Larry Kiker who says the county has not yet received the letter from the town. He says once they do, they will look into it. He also says they will look to see if the two other flashing crosswalks close to this intersection are functional.

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