Cape city leaders approve researching new beach proposal

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CAPE CORAL, Fla.- The Cape Coral City Council has approved one council member’s proposal to research the feasibility of building a new beach.

The beach would be located in northwest Cape Coral, near Old Burnt Store Road.

“I think it’s a good idea,” said resident Jeanette Horodeck.

Horodeck says she’s in favor of the idea, sick of the long drive to the nearest beach.

“It’s a good hour plus depending on the traffic to get to a beach from here,” said Horodeck.

Councilman Richard Leon is spearheading the idea. He says it has the potential to bring tourism and development as well as environmental research facilities.

The city would have to figure out what to do about the land which is protected by the state. Horodeck says there are also other challenges.

“The water in the fall, winter and spring is nice, but once the summer comes and the water heats up, it does get, you know, murky and not very inviting to swim in.”

For a part of Cape Coral with very few homes, and where some people prefer seclusion, it could be a tough sell.

“Some of the cons would be of course the traffic. We live out here for the quietness,” said Horodeck.

Leon says no tax dollars will be spent on research until the city council approves the spending.

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