Home inventory goes digital

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(SWEEPS FEED)- Most people know that it’s a good idea to keep a list of your possessions in case disaster strikes and you need it for insurance.

It can seem like a daunting task but now a host of apps are designed to take the work out of creating and organizing a list of everything you own.

Half of Americans don’t have a home inventory in the event of tragedy. That’s something the National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is hoping to change with the app MyHome ScrAPPbook.

“You can literally just walk around your home, take photos, open up the drawers, open up the doors, let everything be seen on the app and start your physical inventory,” said John Huff NAIC president.

A physical inventory is what Michael Lomax wished he had before fire destroyed his home. The disaster was just the start of the heartache and stress.

“I had to gather all the receipts I could, find out how much things were worth and, and demonstrate that to the insurance company,” Lomax said.

He tried the Encircle app, one of several designed to help users keep a digital record of all their belongings.

“It’s very easy to add the information, and easy to use,” Lomax said.

Doing a digital inventory can even help you determine how much insurance coverage you need.

“Using an app is a good idea because you have it stored then someplace that’s off premises and it also helps you walk through the process of what you may need to use if you later have an insurance claim,” Huff said.

As for Lomax, he now updates his inventory regularly and urges others to do so as well.

“If you wait until after a disaster and have to put it together, it’s a lot more time consuming,” Lomax said.

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