Caught by tech: Suspect arrested for Naples HS threat

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NAPLES, Fla. An 18-year-old who allegedly used a cell phone to call in a threat to Naples High School on Thursday was nabbed thanks to the very same device.

Grayson Alexander Barry, of Indies Way in Naples, will face a charge of “threat to bomb – false report bomb explosive weapon mass destruction.” Barry remained in the Collier County Jail on Friday under a $10,000 bond.

The threat forced the evacuation of Naples High and Little Eagles preschool, which shares the campus with the school. Students were initially relocated to Coastland Center Mall, then were sent to Gulfview Middle School.

Authorities tracked down Barry through a Google Voice account used to make the call, a Collier County Sheriff’s Office incident report said.

The account was in Barry’s name, the report said.

“Barry stated that three explosive packages were on campus that would detonate in one hour,” the report said.

Two packages were found at the school, which resulted in a bomb squad being called in, the report said.

The threat turned out to be unfounded.

Golden Gate Parkway between Goodlette-Frank Road and U.S. 41 was shut down for about two hours during the investigation.

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