65,000-pound dock washes ashore on Fort Myers Beach Friday

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A 40-foot dock, sliced in half, washed ashore on Fort Myers Beach Friday. 

It had barnacles clinging to the bottom and rusty bolts, leaving many wondering where it came from.

“We saw it floating way out there, and it was one piece, and we thought it was like a giant piece of wood or something, and it wasn’t til it washed up this morning that we realized it was a dock,” said visitor Jim Schaudeck. 

“People have been getting on it, some laying on it, they get on it, jump off it. It’s amazing watching the people what they’re doing it,” added visitor Diana Dwyer.

Apparently, the dock came from the bay side of Fort Myers Beach. It was recently donated but somehow went adrift. 

Officials struggled to remove it before the tropical weather arrived this weekend. But it proved to be no easy task.

A Sea Tow boat lost the battle against the 65,000-pound concrete dock, leaving many wondering if it would ever budge. 

“What’s the hurry? The tide comes up and just grab a hold of it then and float it away,” said visitor Greg Milu.

The Coast Guard says that because the dock was partially on shore, it never posed any risk to boaters.

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