Small plane crash reported in LaBelle
A small plane crash was reported in LaBelle.
A baby is living without some fingers after a puppy chewed them off, said deputies.
This happened in February, but Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office deputies just arrested the baby’s mother this month.
Twenty-one-year-old Chloe Wisniewski told Charlotte County deputies she put the baby in her bassinette when she started feeling sick and went to the bathroom, intending to take a quick shower. When she came out, she heard crying and saw a lot of blood.
Wisniewski told Charlotte County deputies there was so much blood that she couldn’t even look at the baby girl’s fingers when she found 3-month-old puppy Apollo chewing on them.
Wisniewski wrapped the child’s hands in a cloth and called emergency services, who took the child to Shorepoint Health of Port Charlotte where she was then flown to Tampa General Hospital.
The baby had three fingers amputated on her left and two partially on her right.
Family members told deputies they had taken in the dog the night before and that they were keeping him for someone else.
They didn’t notice him having any issues or acting aggressively.
Investigators said tests showed Wisniewski had THC in her system at the time. She said it could have been from a cookie she ate at a neighbor’s house that she said “tasted weird.”
Charlotte County Animal Control took custody of the dog. His status now is unknown.
Wisniewski’s next court appearance is on July 17. She faces a charge of child neglect.