Lee County Superintendent addresses concerns at NAACP meeting

Author: Camila Pereira Writer: Rachel Murphy
Published: Updated:

Lee County School District’s Christopher Bernier attended and addressed many of the issues that the community is facing.

The NAACP invited Bernier to their meeting on Saturday in hopes of answering the community’s questions.

“James, thank you very much for the opportunity to demonstrate that our school system is inextricably bound into this community,” said Bernier.

James Muwakkil, president of Lee County’s NAACP, said he chose to invite Bernier. The superintendent addressed local issues with school bus transportation and larger statewide and national problems, like the attacks on AP African History and affirmative action.

Bernier answered the community’s questions, explaining how the school district will work to improve conditions. Bernier declined an interview with WINK News to speak more.

Muwwakkil said their search for answers will continue, “There’s a march on Washington. If we can’t go to Washington, then we need to be downtown at the Justice Center, protesting.”

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