Are Black Friday sales as good as retailers make them seem

With Thanksgiving just a few days away, many are looking forward to Black Friday sales. Right now, a good number of stores already have deals, but are these deals as good as they are advertised? FGCU’s Department Chair of Economics and Finance, Dr. Shelton Weeks gives more insight on the Black Friday sales.

Your Health Now: consumer health care technology

These days it seems like people can get just about everything on their smartphone. From pizza delivery to banking information, it’s all just a few taps and swipes away. One area that has lagged behind has been health care, but that’s changing quickly in Southwest Florida. Vice President of Lee Health Coconut Point, Alex Greenwood, […]

What to do in an active shooter situation

Active shooting situations are unpredictable. On average, they are over in 10 minutes, so the reality is you need to be prepared. President of Active Victim, Jason Gabauer, shares tips on what to do in a shooting situation.

Your Health Now: energy drinks can be harmful to blood vessels

Energy drinks are very popular, as they are a quick fix to tiredness, but experts suggest to think twice before you drink one. According to a new study out of the University of Texas Health Science Center, energy drinks can affect your blood vessels. Dr. Annette St. Pierre-MacKoul discussed more in detail the results of the […]

Your Health Now: chronic pulmonary disease awareness month

More than 16 million Americans have Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease or C-O-P-D, making it one of the most common respiratory illnesses, and the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S. However, millions more suffer from C-O-P-D, but have not been diagnosed and are not being treated. November is National C-O-P-D awareness month and Pulmonologist, […]

Healthy Kids: Freckles

Freckles are small, harmless marks that appear on your skin, but could they be dangerous or something to worry about? Dr. Annette St. Pierre-MacKoul discussed facts to know about freckles.

Your Health Now: don’t let treats trick your diet

Many parents tend to bend the rules on Halloween, and on this day alone children could eat the equivalent of 169 sugar cubes. Some of the most sugary treats include, Tootsie Rolls and gummy bears. Registered dietitian, Betsy Opyt, had tips to keep kids healthy on Halloween.

Your Health Now: Cholesterol Awareness Key for Good Health

We have all heard the terms good and bad cholesterol, but what do they mean? Understanding how our lifestyle and our genes affect our cholesterol numbers can help maintain healthy levels and avoid potential health problems. Medical Director of the Lee Health Heart and Vascular Institute, Dr. Richard Chazal, shared how to be smarter about […]

Healthy Kids: Adenovirus and Poliovirus

Rare diseases are making national headlines. In New Jersey, seven kids died of an outbreak of a disease called Adenovirus. Also a polio-like illness has killed a child in Florida. Dr. Annette St. Pierre-MacKoul shares information on how to keep children safe from these diseases.

Your Health Now: Health Literacy

In the complex world of health care, it can often be hard to understand the medical lingo. However, there are steps that can be taken to better understand the doctor and get the most out of appointments. October is international health literacy month, and Healthpark Medical Center’s, Dr. Fredrick Cadet, discusses tips to be more […]