Fitness Friday

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We’ve all been there. It’s January 1st healthy lifestyle change, increase your fitness level, maybe lose some weight, but after only a few weeks many lose all motivation and revert back to the same behavior. This year can be different. But don’t wait, start now! WINK News Fitness Expert Mike Drumm has some great diet advice and his tips on how to make your 2015 resolutions stick.

Always Think and Speak Positive:

If you tell yourself “you can’t” have some something, you are more than likely going to dwell on the negative of depriving yourself. Instead, as simple as “I’m not going to have that” puts you in control, and it makes it an easy decision to agree with. Always try and think about what you are getting, not what you are giving up. All those “good” choices are like small victories that can really energize you and keep you motivated.

List of “Disgustingness”:

Some of the best weightloss advice doesn’t involve any fancy machines or expensive programs, just a piece of paper and something to write with. One of Mike’s clients this week has she calls her “List of Disgustingness”. On her small shopping list stationary for the last 2 weeks she has written down everything she WOULD have eaten. When others would go to eat the ice cream, cake, and cookies, she would break out the list and acknowledge that she didn’t really need it, she just wanted it. In the last two weeks, changing nothing else, she has lost 5lbs!

Stay Away from FAD Diets:

If you get something quick, you’ll likely lose it quick unless you take the time and develop the habit. On average it takes 3-6 weeks to turn your New Year’s Resolutions into a healthy habit, and that is usually the length of gimmick or FAD diet. Instead of a short term solution, make your resolution something you can stick with. Use the 80/20 Rule when dieting, making 80% of your diet healthy whole foods and the remaining 20% be more for the fun taste. Variety can be dangerous.

Develop Habits, Not Intentions:

Make it important to you. When you look at your body as being a machine that runs on food for fuel, you can start to change your relationship with food and binge eating. Then if you can get enough of your healthy daily repetitive habits to stick, the results will be a product of your everyday life making it much easier to maintain for the long run.


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