High-speed chase in Collier County ends with fugitive’s arrest
A high-speed chase in Collier County ended with the arrest of Jean Geralson, a fugitive from Lee County.
Collier County Sheriff’s Office has a man in custody after he barricaded himself in a home Thursday when deputies responded with a warrant for his arrest. Collier County deputies and the man remained in a standoff for hours until he walked out of the home with his hands above his head.
According to CCSO, a tip was received around 3:30 p.m. about a man with a warrant for his arrest. Collier County deputies responded to a home along the 4000 block of W Alhambra Circle, south of Pine Ridge Road in Collier County.
At the scene, deputies had to negotiate with the man for about three hours before he turned himself over to deputies who were equipped with tactical gear.
“They kept saying, ‘Collier County Sheriff’s Office, please come out with your hands up,'” neighbor Joe DiBello said. “But he wasn’t listening.”
DiBello heard the deputies negotiating with the man, and he told us this is not a normal sight to behold in his neighborhood.
“It’s usually a peaceful neighborhood,” DiBello said. “So I was inquisitive and then more cops came and then there were a bomb squad car and SWAT team.”
K9 units, gang units, bomb squad and drones were all on the scene to respond to the man refusing to exit his home and surrender himself to deputies.
About three hours after deputies responded to the home, the man came outside with his hands up and allowed deputies to take him into custody.
A woman and a young child came out shortly after.
“It was nice to see the guy came up with his hands up, didn’t cause any issues, and then what appeared to be a woman and his daughter come out safe too,” DiBello said. “So it’s a good ending.”
We continue to ask CCSO what the arrests warrant was for and gather new details.