United Soccer League implementing promotion and relegation
FC Naples will soon be playing in the promotion and relegation system, a staple in European soccer, once its implemented by the United Soccer League.
A family is hoping for closure 14 years after a woman’s murder. The victim’s family described her as sweet and willing to help anyone.
There are new leads in the death of 62-year-old Barbara Bisram of Golden Gate Estates. She had recently become a widow and was planning on moving closer to family before she was killed in 2007.
Collier County detectives told us they have a person of interest, and with new leaps in technology, all they need is one last bit of information to get Bisram’s killer.
This news is restoring hope for Bisram’s family in their long-awaited quest for justice.
“I hope one day to know who could of … have hated her that much?” Said Elain Lynaugh, Bisram’s sister.
Bisram’s family is still waiting for answers 14 years after her brutal murder in Golden Gate Estates.
“She’d never hurt anybody,” Lynaugh said.
The house where investigators say Bisram was beaten to death sits quiet, and most of Bisram’s family has moved away.
Still, some, including her sister, never stopped hoping.
Now, detectives are closer than ever before to finding the suspect.
“Lot of things that we can test for that we had no idea existed back in 2007 when she was killed,” Det. William Still said.
“When something like this happens, it’s such a shock that a lot of things go through your mind,” Lynaugh said.
Bisram is described as a sweet, churchgoing woman and friendly neighbor who lost her husband months before her death
“I think she was really lonesome,” Lynaugh said. “She was planning on moving to Vermont. She didn’t make it.”
Lynaugh told us her sister’s suitcase was packed and her plane ticket bought when detectives discovered her body.
“With Ms. Bisram, we have all these elements available,” Bisram said. “All we need is that one potential witness to come forward that has had contact with our person of interest. That could be the turning point in this case.”
Collier County Sheriff’s Office believes Barbara Bisram knew her killer. Investigators are waiting on the right person with the right information to finally solve the case.
Bisram’s family hopes they get to see the moment justice is served.
“My mom died a few years ago, and she died not knowing what happened,” Lynaugh said. “And it’s important to all of us. You know, we are all getting older, and we want to have it resolved before we’re all gone.”