Frank Haskell, who raised $25M to help children fight cancer, has died

Reporter: Tiffany Rizzo Writer: Paul Dolan
Published: Updated:

Frank Haskell, the co-founder of Barbara’s Friends, an organization to support children diagnosed with cancer, has died.

Throughout the last 28 years, the 93-year-old’s focus was on helping local children overcome their battles facing cancer and life-threatening blood disorders.

Thanks in large part to Haskell and his unwavering efforts, Barbara’s Friends raised $25 million. That money will support more than 10,000 children at Golisano Children’s Hospital.

“Without Frank Haskell, the achievements we’ve made to advance pediatric cancer care in Southwest Florida would not be possible,” said Dr. Emad Salman, VP and Chief Physician Executive – Children’s Services. “Frank was committed, from the moment I met him, to making a difference. He has saved the lives of thousands of children, forever impacting their families and our community. His passion and tenacity and humor will be missed. Frank was a true champion and friend to all children.”

Haskell was named the News-Press Luminary in 2015 because of how much he did for his community.

Click the link below for more information about Frank Haskell and the work he did for kids fighting cancer.

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