‘Scoops on First’ helps to beat the heat

Reporter: Maddie Herron
Published: Updated:

Tricia Davis is a manager at Scoops on First in downtown Fort Myers. Many try to avoid this near-record heat, but Davis looks to de-frost.

“It’s hot out there. You’re sweating, and you come inside, and you’re in here for about two, three hours, and you’re absolutely freezing,” Davis said.

It’s so hot that you might feel like you’re melting.

“It’s very hard right now that heat is just very extreme,” said Chris, who delivers ice cream.

Chris melts to make sure the ice cream doesn’t.

“I know I got to make the deliveries fast so the ice cream would never melt between the truck in the shop,” Chris said.

Loading and unloading, Chris hauled 71 tubs of ice cream into the shop, but his work was far from over.

Breaking a sweat, so Southwest Florida ice cream lovers can tackle a triple-digit heat index.

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