Day 2 of jury selection for Wade Wilson, man accused of double murder

Reporter: Maddie Herron
Published: Updated:

The man accused of murdering two women sat in court for a second day in a row as lawyers worked to cut a list of 60 potential jurors down to just 12.

Police said Wade Wilson killed Kristine Melton and Diane Ruiz in 2019.

Now, with a suit, a new haircut and makeup to cover some of his tattoos, Wilson watched on as the people who held his fate in their hands were screened.

Parts of his appearance, Wilson’s defense said, may impact a jury’s impression of him.
Judge Nick Thompson agrees.

Things went much quicker than Monday, but still not on par with where the court wants to be.

One by one, potential jurors are questioned by Wilson’s defense team and the state attorney’s office, sharing their hardships and beliefs that could affect a decision in Wilson’s case.

The goal is to find 60 qualified people to return to court on Thursday for the final jury selection.

From that pool, 12 jurors and four alternates will be picked.

The group decides Wilson’s guilt and whether or not to recommend him for the death penalty.

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