Major price increase for Riverdale High School renovations

Reporter: Asha Patel
Published: Updated:

For Riverdale High School, renovations are not going to be cheap.

The price tag started at $45 million and then increased to $69 million. Now, the grand total sits at $108 million.

Taxpayers we spoke to are wondering what the other money is going to, and they said they haven’t heard where that money is going.

Board members also want to know what happened to make the cost skyrocket.

They were vocal about it during the meeting on June 3.

Taxpayers voted to give the school district part of the sales tax to pay for things like this, but in this case, is it overpaying?

According to the timeline, the renovations for Riverdale High School are expected to be completed by August 2025, but the big question remains: Why the price hike?

We’re going to keep pushing for those answers.

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