Permanent memorial honors 12-year-old crash victim

Reporter: Haley Zarcone
Published: Updated:

A family isn’t grieving alone.

The death of a 12-year-old boy is bringing the community together, and his father could not be more thankful.

A place that brought the family grief is now their little patch of peace.

As you walk through Andrew Sullivan’s memorial on the side of Crystal Road, you’ll find that every photo or trinket has a place, and every place has its purpose.

Around the memorial are puzzle pieces, which Brian Sullivan, Andrew’s dad, said have meaning.

“It was saying our life is a puzzle, and each of us is a piece of that puzzle, and it was just something that always stuck. Every time something would happen in the house, somebody gets in trouble or whatever, it was a puzzle, so the piece puzzle has been at the house for a couple years now, and I decided it was the right.”

Among his photos and memories, the Sullivans are now able to sit and take in their new normal without their beloved Andrew.

“Extremely talented all three of my children. My wife and I lucked out, and we have three amazing children, except that it was taken from us,” Brian said.

While those who pass by see a reminder of a vibrant boy who’s leading a task larger than he could’ve imagined change.

“This little light here is more of a problem than just my son. My wife and I have been here for well over 20 years. It’s you never expect to hear your child, but there’s been plenty of accidents here,” Brian said.

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