Scare tactic frightens users into giving up control of computer

Scare tactic frightens users into giving up control of computer

Hackers are using a new scare tactic to get victims to release complete control of their computers.

The tactic known as the “Red Screen Scare” usually targets users who aren’t proficient with computers. A red pop-up window that states, “Your computer may be infected,” or “Your computer is locked” appears on the internet browser and asks users to call an 800 phone number.

If users permit the hacker to gain control of their computer, they can gain access to pictures, driver’s license and social security information.

Experts at Area 51 PC on Park Meadows Drive in Fort Myers offered the following safety tips:

  • Exit out of your internet browser immediately.
  • Do NOT call the number on the screen.
  • Do NOT give up access to your computer to an unknown company.
  • Do NOT give out your credit card number to an unknown company claiming they can fix computers over the phone.
  • Do NOT be alarmed if the hacker claims they gained control of all the devices in your home.

Watch the video below for the full interview:

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