St Matthew’s House 19th Annual Turkey Drop

Reporter: Michelle Alvarez
Published: Updated:

The 19th annual St. Matthews house turkey drop is underway as Thanksgiving rapidly approaches.

“This really helps,” said Caroline Jules from Collier Count. “Everything is going up. Everything is so expensive.” Jules said it’s hard to survive in times like these, so she’s thankful for the help.

Volunteers dished out donated turkeys, side dishes and desserts on Thursday at First Naples Church. Bill Beynon with Capital Wealth Advisors started this tradition years ago.

“About 19 years ago, my wife and I heard an ad on the radio that St. Matthews house wanted to give turkeys to families who had a place to cook, but no food, and they were out of turkeys. So, we on a whim, went to Publix, bought 25 turkeys,” said Beynon.

Thursday’s turkey drop was the largest of all the distributions. St. Matthew’s House was able to feed 1,671 families Thanksgiving meals.

“We came because the support they are giving us is very important for us to share with our families on this holiday,” said Mildregh Bedoya from Collier County.

Another turkey distribution is happening Friday at First Baptist in Labelle. It’s located at 330 N Main Street and takes place from 10 am – 12 pm.

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