A closer look at the gas leak that killed 2 men at Fort Myers Beach home

Reporter: Olivia Jean Writer: Tim Belizaire
Published: Updated:

A closer look at the gas leak that killed two men in Fort Myers Beach has revealed some new details leading up to the deaths.

Joe Orlandini is the builder of the home. He said that Mike Dewitt, the owner of the home was one of his best friends of 20 years.

They worked on many construction projects together and called Dewitt a hands-on guy when it came to those projects.

According to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, both deaths in the home were accidental.

LCSO said that there was no crime committed but that it is still an active case as death investigations take time.

The town of Fort Myers Beach is also taking action into the gas leak.

A building official with the town of Fort Myers Beach red-tagged the home and deemed it unsafe. The town has not said why.

Orlandini said the town told him he was no longer permitted to use third-party inspectors in Fort Myers Beach.

He said he did build the pool structure, as it was part of the structure of the home.

Orlandini said that Dewitt, the homeowner, hired people to build the pool and install the equipment inside the home. He said he wasn’t sure who or what company installed the equipment.

LCSO has not contacted Orlandini.

Almost a week ago, deputies found Jack Faler on the first floor, lying in a bed. They found Dewitt, the owner of the house on the third floor, in the shower, after the gas leak.

According to the report, LCSO said it was a disconnected pool exhaust pump that killed the two men.

Unanswered questions surround the pool equipment.

WINK News found that there were no permits for the pool on the second floor of the home.

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