NAACP continues to protest death of Christopher Jordan

Reporter: Ashley French Writer: Tim Belizaire
Published: Updated:

The Lee County chapter of the NAACP has been protesting outside State Attorney Amira Fox’s office every Thursday for months. They said they will continue to protest every week in hopes of seeking justice.

The days of the NAACP protesting outside of the state attorney’s office in hopes of changing her ruling in the Christopher Jordan case are now taking a different turn.

James Muwakkil is the President of the Lee County NAACP chapter. Muwakkil said he wants some good to come out of Jordan’s death.

“We don’t want Mr. Jordan’s death to go in vain,” said Muwakkil. “It was preventable. But there is some good to be brought forth if there are willing participants.”

Muwakkil said the good focuses more on changing the divide between law enforcement and the Black community.

“We believe we can bridge the divide. We’re willing to work with her. The question is, will she work with us?” said Muwakkil.

Muwakkil’s request is a call to action between all law enforcement agencies and Fox.

“We need Sheriff Marceno … Chief of Cape Coral, Sanibel, and others all over Southwest Florida, which is the 23rd district circuit that she covers,” said Muwakkil.  “We need for her to meet with those law enforcement agencies to identify potentially dangerous officers who want to hurt and maim suspects, especially Blacks.”

Muwakkil said he is requesting more accountability to be held.

“She promised she would come out to the Black community upon completing the investigation,” said Muwakkil. “She has yet to do that, and I’m not ill anymore, so reach out to us, keep your word,” said Muwakkil.

Muwakkil wants lessons to be learned from this death.

“This is a time where it’s teachable, this is not a time to make it go away and nothing has been done to make sure it doesn’t happen again,” said Muwakkil.

He said he plans to send a letter to the state attorney’s office with a request to improve the relationship between law enforcement and the Black community.

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